EY Announces Startup World Cup 2020

Ahead of the quarter final, the House of Startups – with the support of EY - is organizing a special “Pitching Rehearsal Day” on January 22nd, and dedicated the 10 selected startups. Featuring a two-hour pitching workshop with the public speaking trainer Guy Benzeno, founder of Center Stage, and training sessions with coaches coming from the Luxembourg Startup Ecosystem, the “Pitching Rehearsal Day” aims at preparing the short-listed startups for success in their quest for the Startup World Cup.

Getting ready for the big day! The 10 Startups selected for the Luxembourg final of Startup World Cup 2020 had a pitching rehearsal day at The House of Startups. They trained on public speaking with Guy Benzeno and coaches Stéphanie Silvestri, Elias Chbeir, Florence Christmann, Marina Andrieu, Valentin Rongoni, Diane Tea and Polina Montano.

Guy Benzeno